Player Profile

Kate Kenney

Player Information
Grad Year: 2026
Position: A
Hometown: Redondo Beach
State: California
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 155 lbs
Social Media:
Team Information
Club Team: Mad Dog West Elite (2026)
High School Team: Redondo Union
Kate Kenney

Player Summary

Kate is a skilled attacker. She has great shot placement and is creative with her shot selection. Her ability to rip a hard shot and place the ball inside the 8 is exceptional. She is a scoring machine and hustles in the attack ride to ensure her team has more scoring opportunities as possible. She will continue to work on two-person games to create even more options on the offensive end for her teammates. Her great field vision enables her to find her open teammate cutting into the 8 quickly. Her dodges in her 1v1’s are unmatched.

Overall Grade: 4.50 out of 5
Athleticism: 4.25
IQ: 4.75
Stick Skills: 4.50
Defense: N/A
Faceoff: N/A
Goalie: N/A

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