Player Profile

Ryann McLeod

Player Information
Grad Year: 2025
Position: D
Hometown: Tampa
State: Florida
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 130 lbs
Social Media:
Team Information
Club Team: Limitless Elite (2025)
High School Team: Plant
Committed To: Colorado
Ryann McLeod

Player Summary

Ryann is skillful defender. She has great defensive positioning in her stance and approach to drive her opponents away from goal. She communicates well with her teammates and is constantly moving her feet, not allowing herself to be caught off guard by her opponent changing their speed. Her active footwork and maintaining contact with her opponent and then holding her own space is superb. She will continue to work on moving the ball quickly in the clear when transitioning. She has excellent speed and reads the field well to come up with interceptions. Her 1v1 defense and pressuring out is solid.

Overall Grade: 4.00 out of 5
Athleticism: N/A
Stick Skills: N/A
Defense: 4.00
Faceoff: N/A
Goalie: N/A

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