RANKINGS UPDATE: How a 1-win team is a Top 10 Team
Jun 08, 2023

RANKINGS UPDATE: How a 1-win team is a Top 10 Team
With your help, we have collected data from over 25 tournaments last weekend. This brings our game collection total to over 26,169 from 310 tournaments! The more data that is collected the better ratings data is.
As you scroll through this week's USCLUBLAX Rankings, you'll see some undefeated recognizable teams atop the rankings and not think twice. You may even debate the ranking position of a couple of one or two loss teams a couple of spots up or down but agree that the're in the ball park. However, a team with a losing record let alone only 1 win makes you practically jump our of your chair yelling at your screen, "How is that possible?"
Well let's look at #10 Sweetlax NY Upstate (2029) who is 1-5-2 this year and has a NEGATIVE AGD. Now the short justified answer is that their SCHED is rated the highest of the BOYS 2029 division at 95.15. All of the games that they have loss to or tied were against teams were ranked in the top 20 and rated 94 or better. Does this mean that to make the Top 10, you just need a schedule of all Top Ranked teams? Of course not, you have to be competitive.
The ratings based rankings do not measure how many wins, losses, or ties a team has but rather analyzes their actual performances against an expected result. When you look at the #10 Sweetlax NY Upstate (2029) tie against #4 Annapolis Hawks Green (2029) or 1-goal loss to #1 Madlax-Capital (2029), these games had a significant positive impact for the 94.15 rated Sweetlax NY Upstate team as seen in the Rating Math tab. Close games against two of the best teams in the country signifies that Sweetlax Upstate NY can play and should be considered a top team.
However, not all of Sweetlax Upstate NY's losses were against teams that we rated better than them. Why are they not ranked ahead of #16 Sweetlax Florida (2029) who beat them by 4 goals? All you have to do is look at Sweetlax Florida's schedule to see that they loss to Madlax-Capital team by 12 goals to scramble your brain.
Sports are not played on spreadsheets but on the field. Teams have favorable match ups, not so favorable match ups, great games and poor games. This makes stack ranking opponents on IF/Then situations makes you insane. Its an analysis of the whole resume and therefore has to be quantified.
Each team has a Rating Math tab that quantifies the performance of each game and averages out the best performances with the potential off games. Ultimately, this leads to an overall rating that is more indicative of how a team may perform which is used to create more competitive games and a better experience.
Please keep in mind that there is a six games played against same age level minimum requirement in order to appear in the rankings. If your team does not meet this requirement, they still may have a rating on their club team. Note that the minimum number of games will increase to 12 in July.
Check out all Club Team Rankings below:
BOYS 2024/U17/Varsity (Click here to view)
BOYS 2025/U16/JV (Click here to view)
BOYS 2026 (Click here to view)
BOYS 2027/U14/MS (Click here to view)
BOYS 2028 (Click here to view)
BOYS 2029/U12 (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2024/U17/Varsity (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2025/U16/JV (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2026 (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2027/U14/MS (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2028 (Click here to view)
GIRLS 2029/U12 (Click here to view)
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