Team Info

Laxachusetts Black (2025)

Category:Girls 2025 Rankings
Goals (GF-GA):185-175
Links:Laxachusetts Website
Location:Boston, MA
Head Coach:N/A


DateTimeOpponent EventResultFix
2021-11-0708:15Philly Blast (2025)2021 Northeast Showcase- 2025 Class7 - 5
2021-11-0709:45All American AIM (2025)2021 Northeast Showcase- 2025 Class4 - 6
2021-11-0711:15Tradition Lacrosse (2025)2021 Northeast Showcase- 2025 Class5 - 9
2021-11-1312:15Team Elevate Blue (2025)LAX FOR THE CURE:FALL SHOWCASE 2021: Magenta 20255 - 9
2021-11-2010:00Ultimate Charlotte Blue (2025)IWLCA:DEBUT 2021: 13 202512 - 9
2021-11-2014:003D Colorado AA (2025)IWLCA:DEBUT 2021: 13 20256 - 9
2021-11-2110:00MC Elite Midnight (2025)IWLCA:DEBUT 2021: 13 20259 - 7
2021-11-2113:00Atlanta Storm Elite Blue (2025)IWLCA:DEBUT 2021: 13 20255 - 10
2021-10-1711:00Bay State Bullets Silver (2025)Legacy Lacrosse Fall Classic 2021 [2025 Mummies]12 - 8
2021-10-1713:15Mass Elite White (2025)Legacy Lacrosse Fall Classic 2021 [2025 Mummies]5 - 5
2021-10-1714:45NH Tomahawks Purple (2025)Legacy Lacrosse Fall Classic 2021 [2025 Mummies]6 - 8
2022-06-1117:00Hero's White (2025)Live Love Lax6 - 8
2022-06-1114:45LI Legacy Lacrosse White (2025)LIVE LOVE LAX:GIRLS SUMMER 2022: Honest 202511 - 3
2022-06-2509:00NH Tomahawks Purple (2025)IWLCA:NEW ENGLAND CUP 2022: 1 202513 - 5
2022-06-2512:00Granite State Elite (2025)IWLCA:NEW ENGLAND CUP 2022: 1 202511 - 7
2022-06-2608:00Oregon Pride (2025)IWLCA:NEW ENGLAND CUP 2022: 1 20254 - 15
2022-06-2610:00Team Elevate Blue (2025)IWLCA:NEW ENGLAND CUP 2022: 1 20253 - 7
2022-07-0816:15Team 180 (2025)G8:SUMMER 2022: Orange 20253 - 7
2022-07-0818:30TLC RED (2025)G8:SUMMER 2022: Orange 202511 - 4
2022-07-0908:00Hero's White (2025)G8:SUMMER 2022: Orange 20255 - 9
2022-07-0911:00SJ Select Pink (2025)G8:SUMMER 2022: Orange 20256 - 11
2022-07-1713:15MXB (2025)2022 NE Summer Sizzle (2024/25 SUN PM)8 - 5
2022-07-1714:453d New England South (2025)2022 NE Summer Sizzle (2024/25 SUN PM)12 - 2
2022-07-1716:15Bay State Bullets Silver (2025)2022 NE Summer Sizzle (2024/25 SUN PM)7 - 7
2022-07-1717:20Central Lacrosse (2025)2022 NE Summer Sizzle (2024/25 SUN PM)9 - 0
DateOpponentW/L/T ScoreGDOpp RatingPoints+/-
2021-11-07Philly Blast (2025)W7 - 5292.5894.583.16
2021-11-07All American AIM (2025)L4 - 6-295.1793.171.75
2021-11-07Tradition Lacrosse (2025)L5 - 9-493.5989.59-1.82
2021-11-13Team Elevate Blue (2025)L5 - 9-494.9890.98-0.43
2021-11-20Ultimate Charlotte Blue (2025)W12 - 9389.0392.030.61
2021-11-203D Colorado AA (2025)L6 - 9-389.5386.53-4.88
2021-11-21MC Elite Midnight (2025)W9 - 7287.8089.80-1.61
2021-11-21Atlanta Storm Elite Blue (2025)L5 - 10-591.2486.24-5.17
2021-10-17Bay State Bullets Silver (2025)W12 - 8491.0795.073.65
2021-10-17Mass Elite White (2025)T5 - 5091.2491.24-0.17
2021-10-17NH Tomahawks Purple (2025)L6 - 8-289.8787.87-3.54
2022-06-11Hero's White (2025)L6 - 8-292.6690.66-0.75
2022-06-11LI Legacy Lacrosse White (2025)W11 - 3886.3594.352.93
2022-06-25NH Tomahawks Purple (2025)W13 - 5889.8797.876.45
2022-06-25Granite State Elite (2025)W11 - 7489.8493.842.42
2022-06-26Oregon Pride (2025)L4 - 15-1094.7584.75-6.66
2022-06-26Team Elevate Blue (2025)L3 - 7-494.9890.98-0.43
2022-07-08Team 180 (2025)L3 - 7-493.7289.72-1.69
2022-07-08TLC RED (2025)W11 - 4790.7497.746.32
2022-07-09Hero's White (2025)L5 - 9-492.6688.66-2.75
2022-07-09SJ Select Pink (2025)L6 - 11-591.9686.96-4.45
2022-07-17MXB (2025)W8 - 5389.7692.761.34
2022-07-173d New England South (2025)W12 - 21084.3694.362.94
2022-07-17Bay State Bullets Silver (2025)T7 - 7091.0791.07-0.34
2022-07-17Central Lacrosse (2025)W9 - 0985.8094.803.38
Name Grad Year Position Club Team High School Team Committed To
Charlotte Pithie 2025 G Laxachusetts Black (2025) Norwell Bryant


The maximum goal differential for any one game is 10. The average goal differential (GD) should equal this team's AGD from the rankings page. The average "Opp Rating" should equal this team's SCHED. The average "Points" is the team's rating. The average "+/-" should equal 0.00, but it is possible that rounding errors of 0.01 will occur occasionally. Larger error numbers indicate that a game scores has been changed or deleted since the last ratings calculation. The points and +/- columns give you an indication as to whether the team did better or worse than expected based upon the team's ratings. Positive +/- numbers mean the team did better than expected and "helped" its rating. Games with negative numbers mean the team performed worse than expected.


Games grayed out above indicate that these games were not used to calculate this team's rating. Games may not qualify because 1) they were entered since the last rankings update but will be included in the next rankings update; 2) they were against teams of a different age level and cannot mathematically be used; 3) the game was determined to be a forfeit, which are not an indication of a team's strength/weakness and are not used.

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